The Single Woman’s Dash of Sass: July 15, 2011

Quote of the Day:

“Let me tell you something. I’ve got the gift of good-bye. It’s the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye. It’s not that I’m hateful, it’s that I’m faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He’ll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don’t need it. Stop begging people to stay. Let them go!” ~T.D. Jakes

The Single Woman Says:

There are always going to be people coming and going out of your life. Life is made up of the ebb and flow…the stay and go…the goodbye and hello. Of all the different goodbyes we will say over the course of our lives…there’s not a single one that’s NOT designed to usher in a new era.

There’s the sad goodbye…the one where you just know life will never again be the same. The one where a piece of your heart has been captured…and try as you might, you never quite get it back. There’s the happy goodbye…the one where you celebrate life and cling to the moment as you would a snapshot, frozen in time. You know if you move, even an inch, the moment will end and it will be time to stop saying goodbye and start moving on.

There’s the goodbye that you plan, but still never really feel quite prepared for; the goodbye that you don’t plan, and, yet, always comes anyway. There’s the goodbye that happens without you even knowing it…and you wake up one morning and realize that the person that was once your everything…now means nothing at all. There are the goodbyes that you look forward to and the ones that you dread…The ones that you whisper, then wish you’d never said. There’s the goodbye that takes with it a part of your soul, and you’re certain you’ll never be able to survive the pain. But you do…and you’re stronger, and wiser, and able to once again look for the dawning of the sun instead of the shadows of the rain.

And without even knowing you closed the book…the next chapter begins.

In the end, in the silence, on the horizon of moving on…remember this: Without the moments of darkness…how would it be possible to dance with the light?


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Something wonderful is on the horizon
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