Day Three: Losing…and Finding…Myself

Day 3: In Chapter One of You Are Enough, I talk about how sometimes it takes losing yourself to find yourself. Share a time you felt lost, and how you got “found.”

I’ve lost my way A LOT over the years. I’ve documented a lot of my lost seasons right here on my blog and in my books. But I want to go back to a very special season of “lost-ness” that without which, there wouldn’t even » Read More

Day Two: A Chance Encounter

Day 2: In Chapter One of You Are Enough, I have a very special encounter with someone that felt almost like an angelic experience. Talk about a time in your life when you have been “touched by an angel,” or had a God wink moment that helped get you back on track or see something in your life through new eyes.

I’ve had other moments in my life where I’ve experienced what I considered to be angelic » Read More

Day One: A Meaningful Imprint

Day One: In the Introduction of #YouAreEnough, I talk about my “Enough” tattoo and why it was important to me to have this word imprinted on my wrist. Talk about a tattoo you have that is meaningful to you…or if you don’t have any tattoos, the tattoo you would get if you were going to get one.

Since I’ve already shared the story behind my “Enough” tattoo, I thought I would share the story of another tattoo » Read More

Day 18: Day 18: If You Could Have a Conversation With Your Younger Self, What Would You Say?

I started this blogging challenge over a year ago and I’ve only worked my way up to Day 18…though the timing of writing this particular blog is so perfect, I can’t help but believe that even in our busyness and forgetfulness and procrastination, God’s timetable still manages to have its way with us.

I’ve just finished reading Every Bitter Thing is Sweet by Sara Hagerty, and though she’s married with five kids, I saw so many » Read More

The Single Woman’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge: Day 1

How do you respond to “And why are you still single?”

This is by far my least favorite question as a single woman. It seems to always be asked in an accusatory or suspicious tone, like either there’s something tragically wrong with me that has made me still single or that I should somehow be ashamed of the fact that I am, in fact, still single. I’ve never really understood the question, honestly. I mean, how » Read More

Something wonderful is on the horizon
Life doesn’t always look the way we want it to look. In Mandy’s upcoming book, Turn Toward the Sun: Releasing What If and Embracing What Is, you’ll find encouragement to live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.
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Something wonderful is on the horizon
Turn Toward the Sun CoverLife doesn’t always look the way we want it to look. In Mandy’s upcoming book, Turn Toward the Sun: Releasing What If and Embracing What Is, you’ll find encouragement to live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.
Preorder from Baker Book House for 40% off and free shipping!*
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