How to keep the ghosts of boyfriends past from haunting your future

In the life of every single woman, occasionally a brief, or sometimes extended, hiatus from singledom will occur. This phenomenon is commonly known as a “relationship.” Yes, for one, brief, shining moment, our Prince Charming gallops into our lives and into our hearts on his brilliant white horse and we just know that all is right with the world and that our Happily Ever After has officially begun. But then, inevitably, your world comes » Read More

Don't PLAY hard to get – BE hard to get

Picture it: You pick up the phone to call your new crush for the very first time. You know the drill – your heart is racing, your blood is pumping, you can hardly wait for him to answer. One ring…two rings…three rings…voicemail. You leave a message – the perfect, breezy message – just knowing that you’ll hear back from him in no time. Two hours go by and still nothing. It can’t hurt to shoot » Read More

Don’t PLAY hard to get – BE hard to get

Picture it: You pick up the phone to call your new crush for the very first time. You know the drill – your heart is racing, your blood is pumping, you can hardly wait for him to answer. One ring…two rings…three rings…voicemail. You leave a message – the perfect, breezy message – just knowing that you’ll hear back from him in no time. Two hours go by and still nothing. It can’t hurt to shoot » Read More

Observing Lent, single-lady style

Today is Ash Wednesday, also known as the start of Lent – a season known in the Western Christian tradition as the 40-day period of fasting, prayer and penitence before Easter – or in single-lady language, a month and a half to become a better you. Though Lent is traditionally a Christian holiday, in recent years, it has been recognized by people of all cultures as a time of self-denial, of sacrifice and of giving » Read More

The bad date which does not kill us makes us stronger

In every single girl’s life, a bad date will eventually fall. It’s an inevitability – sort of like the dryer eating your socks or hitting all the green lights in town when you’re trying to put on your makeup on the way to work. After doing all the prep work for a first date…the grooming and plucking and highlighting and polishing…it’s nothing short of a major letdown when your new dashing prince transforms into a » Read More

Minus a "plus one"? Make it a party of one

In every single girl’s life, she will, on occasion, find herself at a very important crossroads. She makes plans with a friend to go to dinner at the latest great restaurant in town and the friend backs out at the last minute. She wants to see the sappy chick flick that just hit theaters, most likely starring Ashton Kutcher (because hey, what sappy chick flick these days doesn’t star Ashton Kutcher?) and none of her » Read More

Minus a “plus one”? Make it a party of one

In every single girl’s life, she will, on occasion, find herself at a very important crossroads. She makes plans with a friend to go to dinner at the latest great restaurant in town and the friend backs out at the last minute. She wants to see the sappy chick flick that just hit theaters, most likely starring Ashton Kutcher (because hey, what sappy chick flick these days doesn’t star Ashton Kutcher?) and none of her » Read More

Single after 30: How to turn a cautionary tale into a fairytale

I was watching the news this morning and I paused on one of my favorite morning shows, Good Morning America, just long enough to hear Robin Roberts promo the next story, “The Sooner the Better,” with the tagline “New studies show that 90% of women’s eggs are gone by age 30.” Since I had to assume she wasn’t referring to the kind of eggs you make an omelet with, I immediately grabbed the remote and » Read More

To Zumba or not to Zumba?

Lately all I’ve been hearing about on TV, on Facebook and everywhere in between is “Zumba! Zumba!” Zumba is to 2010 what Sweatin’ to the Oldies was to the 80’s and Tae Bo was to the new millennium. It has officially begun its reign as the new “It” workout. Single and not-so-single ladies of all shapes, sizes and age groups are rushing to the nearest gym to sashay their way to a healthier body and » Read More

Dance your way through life

Ballroom dancing is an increasingly popular hobby for those waiting for Mr. Right. If you can’t find your perfect partner in life, why not spend a little time with your perfect partner on the dance floor? And while it is aerobically effective and tons of fun, there are also many different life lessons one can take away from a little dirty dancing (other than “Nobody puts Baby in a corner”). Here are a few important » Read More

Something wonderful is on the horizon
Life doesn’t always look the way we want it to look. In Mandy’s upcoming book, Turn Toward the Sun: Releasing What If and Embracing What Is, you’ll find encouragement to live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.
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Something wonderful is on the horizon
Turn Toward the Sun CoverLife doesn’t always look the way we want it to look. In Mandy’s upcoming book, Turn Toward the Sun: Releasing What If and Embracing What Is, you’ll find encouragement to live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.
Preorder from Baker Book House for 40% off and free shipping!*
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