Why I Think God Loves Single Women a Little Bit More

jesus grasping handSometimes my fingers literally start itching as inspiration strikes me, and I have to run and grab up my laptop and start writing immediately…let the words come tumbling out onto the page as fast as I can type before the moment escapes me and the idea gets tossed aside and forgotten.

As I was sitting and reading my daily devotionals this morning (and the number has grown to five. FIVE! Good grief.), I came to a prayer in the book Arms Open Wide by Sherri Gragg that reads:

Too often I have turned to you in fear and asked: “Oh Lord, don’t you care?”

And as I read the prayer out loud, something in me broke and I started crying. All too vividly remembering all the times I’ve cried out to God about my desire for a family and children and traditions and a tribe and people to grow old with and a husband to hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay. Countless times of frustration and impatience and even despair as the years pass and the situation seemingly grows more and more hopeless that I might ever find the simplest and most complicated of life’s blessings: Someone to love. And someone to love me.

“Oh Lord, don’t you care?”

And then, suddenly, in the silence of my warm and simple apartment, a still, small voice spoke clearly and directly into my soul.

“Oh, Mandy. Don’t you see? It’s because of how much I care that I’ve kept you for Myself this long.”

The words washed over me, and like a ray of sunshine infused into my soul, my sad tears turned to happy ones and a smile came across my face. It was one of those rare, almost impossible to attain moments where I felt myself fall gently into the hands of Jesus and be held tightly against His beating heart…a fleeting glimpse into the depth of His love for me…and all really was calm, and all really was bright.

And then, again, the voice.

“If there is never a husband…if it’s always just you and Me…will you still follow Me?”

There was no pause in my spirit. No need to stop and think. Only one answer that rang true, loud, and clear in my heart.

“Yes, Jesus. I will follow You.”

I will follow You and I will trust You and I will know that regardless of how hopeless or how dark the situation might look to my human eyes, Your perfect ones see the big picture and know the end game. I will follow You like the disciples followed You, sometimes directly into the storm but always also directly into their destiny. I will follow You, NO MATTER WHAT.

Over a cliff, my precious Lord.

And I don’t entirely grasp what this means and if I’ll ever be married or not, but I do know that in this moment, it doesn’t really matter, because in Him I have peace and joy and completeness. And tomorrow I might doubt again, but His mercies are new every morning and my weakness doesn’t surprise Him or test His strength. He loves me. And He loves you. And I think maybe He loves single women a little bit bigger and more fiercely because He knows we often feel alone and doubt that we are loved. And He knows what the single path looks like because He walked it.

I don’t know how I’ll feel tomorrow. But I am precious to Him. YOU are precious to Him. And today…that’s all that matters.

162 Responses to “ Why I Think God Loves Single Women a Little Bit More ”

  1. maureen muiruri
    November 18, 2014

    awesome message!feeling much better

    • Ebla
      February 10, 2015

      Love from Kenya Maureen

  2. Anonymous
    November 18, 2014

    You’re getting a little off track with saying He loves single women more. We should never pray a prayer that questions God if He cares.

    • Mandy Hale
      January 3, 2015

      You missed the entire heart of the blog, “Anonymous.”

  3. Vanessa
    November 18, 2014

    sitting at my desk sobbing as I read this. Just last night I found myself laying in bed in a cold quiet empty house crying and asking why I’ve been forgotten. Thank you for the encouragement this morning.

    • Mandy Hale
      January 3, 2015

      *GREAT BIG HUGS!* xoxo

  4. Tracy
    November 18, 2014

    I can’t thank you enough for this post. First, because I always feel guilty for “my desire for a family (and children) and traditions and a tribe and people to grow old with and a husband to hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay.” And, second, for reminding me that He has designed my path. Sometimes I get so focused on what I feel I want that I forget to follow him and take off on my own road. Thank you so much for your sweet reminder.

  5. Laura
    November 18, 2014

    Wow. Thank you x

    • Renee'
      November 20, 2014

      Thank you, I really needed this, I feel weird this week, found out my ex got married again….for some reason I’ve been feeling “inadequate” …then I remember I have you,Jesus…

  6. Cristina
    November 18, 2014

    That’s was truly moving and beautiful Mandy. Thank you for your vulnerability and for sharing that.
    God bless you Mandy.

  7. Rachel
    November 18, 2014

    Thank you so much for this. I am not am emotional person but as I read this I couldn’t help but break down. This has been weighing heavy on my heart for a while now and reading this brought a revelation over me and it’s exactly what I needed. Thank you for sharing this because so many women, myself included, needed this.

  8. Alicia
    November 18, 2014

    Thank you Mandy for so fabulously echoing my thoughts. Needed that today…

  9. korede
    November 18, 2014

    Looks like you saw through my heart today. I have felt all that you wrote about today…and I still feel numb cos I didn’t get a quiet place to shed my tears. But I want to believe that God loves me no less, even when I feel he cares less about me. Well I guess I just have to keep the faith going. Well done

  10. Kellye
    November 18, 2014

    Thank you for writing today. So often it is easy for us to forget just how precious we are to Him.

  11. Amber Alexander
    November 18, 2014

    Thank you I sooo needed this!!!!!!

    • Stephanie Buteyn
      November 19, 2014

      But His mercies are new every morning great is thy faithfulness.

  12. Wow. That was really profound. As a single chick who has been on fewer than five dates (and I’m going on 30, too), I’ve often wondered what kind of future God has in store for me, boring, home-bound person that I am. I think I needed to read this today. Thank you. <3

  13. Shannon
    November 18, 2014

    That made me want to cry but in a good way! Mandy thank you so much for posting practically my exact thoughts and feelings towards God about my single life.

  14. Lisa
    November 18, 2014

    Beautiful. This spoke directly to my spirit.

  15. Sarah
    November 18, 2014

    It made me really understand how much am loved by Jesus” And tomorrow I might doubt again, but His mercies are new every morning and my weakness doesn’t surprise Him or test His strength. He loves me”. Thank you so much for this inspiration.

  16. Sisca
    November 18, 2014

    Thank you Mandy… I’m sooo blessed!! God bless you

  17. Rosette
    November 18, 2014

    Mandy, I can see where you are coming from but this does not convey Gods love accurately. He does not pick favorites or love one kind of woman more than another. He may love them in different ways but Gods love is equal in all ways both sinners and saints, men or women or children, single women or married women. I pray that you allow your mind to be opened and not see hate in this comment, but do not let the devil blind and deceive you, putting yourself above another in the name of god is wrong and I want to see you grow in your faith as you already seem to have an amazing relationship with The Lord

    • Mandy Hale
      January 3, 2015

      I respectfully disagree. Although this blog was not written from a stance of “God loves me more than you,” I do think that while God loves us all equally, He shines his favor on some more than others. “The disciple whom Jesus loved”? King David? Peter – “Upon this rock I will build my church”? I think God is like any loving parent. He sees the children that are feeling the loneliest and least loved and He draws them a little closer to them. I think you missed the entire point of this blog, my friend. But that’s okay. Because GRACE. 🙂

  18. stephanie
    November 18, 2014

    Most amazing article and so simple. Seems that everywhere you turn at times are these happy couples sucking face and laughing. Sometimes it makes me sad, but most it makes me love where I am with Him. Just a season! I will always follow Him! Thanks for this article.

  19. Donna
    November 18, 2014

    I was having the exact same thought last night. What I so love about your blog is that it is comforting to know that there are so many incredible women out there feeling and thinking the same things I am. It helps to know we are never alone.

  20. November 18, 2014

    Wow. I really needed this tonight. Sometimes walking the single path can be and feel so lonely, even sometimes feels that I am the only one who struggles with it. Thank you for sharing this and for being so honest!

  21. Rachelle
    November 18, 2014

    I’ve been so wrapped up in not being able to find someone, that I never stopped to ask myself would I still follow Him even if there were no husband…and the answer is YES! Thank you!

  22. Sonia
    November 18, 2014

    Mandy, how grateful are we as women to have you! You’ve read my mind and put it eloquently into words. God knows best and he knows for me personally that I’m not who I am about to become. To be honest, if I had a husband right now, someone may not be blessed by my contributions to the world because I would be so focused on my husband and prayfully my child, that a blessing to others may go undone. I have to learn to balance me first, then the rest of the world!

  23. Shary
    November 18, 2014

    Amazing. It hit me… Jesus was single and virgin all his life. Even more, He is our one; the one who can really satisfy us.
    Thank you, God. Give us your vision to carry on; give is your heart. Amen!

  24. Shay
    November 18, 2014

    Thank you so much for sharing. This is where so many of us are, especially as the holiday season is upon us and we face walking into celebrations alone with brave smiles. I know that I long for more as I sit amidst relatives and friends who have found love and have been blessed with children and marriage. It isn’t always easy to battle the pangs of longing and feelings of loneliness that we singles face. It’s a beautiful reminder that I have God, and in Him, I have everything and far more than I ever need. Thank you Mandy, for being a light in the storm for us. Your words, as always, have blessed and comforted me today as I babysit my niece so that my sister can have a date night, lol.

  25. alli
    November 18, 2014

    It’s difficult to accept that a God who loves his children wouldn’t want them to live happily ever after with a Godly man.

  26. Gennifer
    November 18, 2014

    Thank you for this! I needed to hear every word of this today…especially as the holidays draw closer and I seem to see couples holding hands and hugging at every turn. It’s easy to feel unloved and forgotten, so to speak. I do want to note though, that as a Christian myself, I do not believe that God rations out his love. To say he loves a certain set of people more than others would mean that He has a limited amount of love. But God’s love is infinite and he loves us all the same – no matter what.

  27. Lhynn
    November 18, 2014

    I was really moved by this blog! What a good encouragement especially now!! Thank you for this wonderful message. God bless and more power!!!

  28. tellika
    November 18, 2014


  29. Cherie
    November 18, 2014

    And I know His grace is sufficient for me

  30. Shanta
    November 18, 2014

    That was beautiful Mandy!

  31. Dena
    November 18, 2014

    Thank you Mandy for always writing what is in my heart and what I need most.to hear.You are an inspiration to me and help me to feel “normal” with the thoughts and feelings I have about being single…I loved this post so much…Thank you

  32. Stephanie
    November 18, 2014

    Absolutely amazing. And so touching. Thank God for his gentle words and thank you for sharing this experience.

  33. Laura
    November 18, 2014

    Over the past couple of weeks, I have been frustrated on and off again about being single. Thank you for your words of encouragement. It reminds me that I have been gifted with an amazing life.

  34. A Single Girl
    November 18, 2014

    Awww love that. I so easily forget this. Trying to focus on my love life with Him and less about what I want now.

  35. Angela
    November 18, 2014

    Thank you so much. Your blog have been a blessing for me.

  36. Aimee
    November 19, 2014

    Wow! Wow! Wow!
    That is straight out of my life and my heart.
    Thank you Mandy.
    You’re words always speak right to me.

  37. Raina
    November 19, 2014

    Wow, thank you for that beautiful truth Mandy. I have had my own moments of doubt and fear regarding those same fears…especially lately. I know that God hears me and loves me, he stills me. Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone and that I am already so loved!

  38. Hloni
    November 19, 2014

    Truly blessed by reading this. most times we overlook God’s love and seek love from humans while God’s love is sufficient at all times


  39. Rubi
    November 19, 2014

    I really needed to hear this! Ty so much Mandy! God is using you in mighty & glorious ways to comfort & inspire The Single Woman – me!

  40. Shakeerrah
    November 19, 2014

    This post was EXACTLY what I needed to see! As a single woman right now who is on the path to discovering her purpose, I often have these same questions floating around in my mind (Will I be single forever? Will that special person ever come around?). This really spoke to my heart because I often ask God these questions, but I fail to realize that maybe, just maybe, He is keeping me all for Himself now for a greater purpose. I’m going to print this post out and keep it on my wall so I’ll always remember these words. Thank you for such an amazing post!

  41. Madula
    November 19, 2014

    i really needed to read something so uplifting and reassuring. thank you and God bless you.

  42. November 19, 2014

    This is very beautiful-I needed to hear this! Thank you!

  43. Jessica Kesterson
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you so much! This really spoke to my heart. I get so impatient and frustrated, longing for a husband and family! God Bless

  44. Nola
    November 19, 2014

    this is awesome!! Thank you so much!!!

  45. Chiquita
    November 19, 2014

    Thanks Mandy…we all need a little morning cry! Your words could not have been more touching to me than right now. Thank you!

  46. Jen
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you for this!! I needed to read this today, as I’ve been asking that same question lately.

  47. Melody
    November 19, 2014

    Your posts are ALWAYS spot on with me!! Being single during the Holiday season is always hard and this is just what I needed to read today! Thanks for following the leading of God! xo

  48. Rolanda
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you and I appreciate your book and blog! What a blessing!

  49. Krista
    November 19, 2014

    What a lovely way to put it Mandy. Had myself a little much needed cry.

  50. Zymi
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you a lot Mandy 🙁 🙁

  51. Jasmin
    November 19, 2014

    Just wow…everyday I wake up feeling like this. I look at all my friends and family who are married and I think to myself “what is wrong with me?” It’s a hard road to take but necessary in a sense. I’ve never been single for this long. I’ve always had a boyfriend. Obviously not one of those relationships worked for one reason or another. So I find so much peace In knowing that if it never ever happens for me that Jesus loves me through it all. He’ll never leave even when I disobey, stray and feel hopeless. He has my best intrest at heart and in that I feel secure. Not sure what tomorrow will bring but I know that I’ll be a precious woman to my God who who loves me unconditionally. Thanks Mandy! You inspire me, you truly do!

  52. Kimberly Cervantes
    November 19, 2014

    This is the BEST I have ever read. I needed this. I nearly cried just now.

  53. November 19, 2014

    This made me cry but in a good way. It makes so much more sense after reading this. Thank you for this

  54. Molly
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you for this. It was an inspiring passage.

  55. Charity
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you for speaking the truth of His love into all of us single gals! Often times my brokenness gets in the way of seeing Him. Thank you for reeling me back in and for being so honest with you heart!

  56. Ncebakazi Ngozi
    November 19, 2014

    Poeerful, Thamks 4 this!

  57. Heidi
    November 19, 2014


  58. Andrea
    November 19, 2014

    Beautiful!! This made me cry too! I have felt the same way, and I am grateful for these wonderful words this fine morning! Thank you!!

  59. Abby
    November 19, 2014

    Wow! I sooooo needed this 🙂 Thanks Mandy!

  60. Bherns
    November 19, 2014

    Thanks Mandy for the affirmation. 🙂

  61. Christian teen
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you so much! I needed to read this. So touching made me cry. I felt like this message was speaking directly to me. Thanks for sharing.

  62. Maria
    November 19, 2014

    I feel like this as well..it is as if I had written this post – and had this exact moment yesterday while flying…I am surrounded by peace, love and happiness!!! I have been blessed with so much love in my life – family, friends, self-love and always God’s love (the greatest love of all) xo

  63. Robin
    November 19, 2014

    Exact words I needed to read today. Thank you!

  64. Monica
    November 19, 2014

    ****tears**** next time I’ll wait until not in a public place to read this .. 😉 thank you. ..

  65. November 19, 2014

    What a beautiful reminder Mandy! Praising the Lord with you today and standing in awe of His all-knowing power! It blows my mind that in the midst of a rough week on my end, the Lord was using your experience and your gift of writing to bless me and countless other women! He is so good!

  66. Petunia
    November 19, 2014

    I”ve doubted myself at times but asyou say His love is enough to cover all doubt…
    Thank you!

  67. Aneesa Holliday
    November 19, 2014

    Wonderfully written. My heart felt so much joy from your words. I find myself mourning over the need to have children and be filled with the joy of parenthood. But in HIM I have found my comfort. Thank you for sharing your truth

  68. Holly
    November 19, 2014

    Wow, this is exactly how I have been feeling lately. And, I too will follow his will over mine. It may not always be the easiest, but this is unconditional love.

  69. Carrie
    November 19, 2014

    Wow Mandy-posts like this is why I love following you! Thank you

  70. Robin
    November 19, 2014

    Definitely for me who struggles between knowing that I have been kept for a purpose and feeling like I have been forgotten. ♡

  71. Christy
    November 19, 2014

    Oh wow Mandy…….thank u for writing ur thoughts down bc they have me feeling so loved and blessed more than ever. I have been single for 10 years, minus a 7 year run with a married “demon” of a man, and I sometimes wonder if God intends for me to be single forever, but after reading this, I realize it doesn’t matter. If I meet a man or I don’t, Jesus is with me and loves me unconditionally and everything will be just fine, with or without that special someone. I know that Jesus loves me and will NEVER leave me!! Thank u Mandy and may God bless u!!!!!

  72. Yolanda
    November 19, 2014

    I did cry..in a good and happy way!! Thanks for sharing!

    • Deirdre
      October 2, 2015

      Confirmation of His Love for Me…..Once again. ” My God is awesome!!!!

  73. Melissa
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you so much! I really needed these words today.

  74. Robin
    November 19, 2014

    Thanks so much for posting this today…I feel very alone at this time in my life right now and I know that now my life is Jesus hands and if I do die alone then I will always know that he was there for me…

  75. November 19, 2014

    This has given me a lot of comfort. I’m in my late 40s, divorced, no children, my extended family consists of 4 and I feel such a loss. Thank you.

  76. Glenda
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you for sharing. This is the way I’ve been feeling lately.

  77. November 19, 2014

    Mandy, it dawned on me that there are women out there, like me, who are questioning whether we will ever get the chance to love and be loved through marriage, children, and a family unit. In that sense I am not alone. This awareness hit me (naturally) as I was reading your fear/question to Jesus about why you are still single. It is sad that so many people who want to be/give love are not yet able to but thankfully we do have God’s love. What I found to be most profound was your point that Jesus knows what we are going through because He, too, walked alone. Thank you for the reminder that someone who loved us enough to give up his life knew what we felt on a (possibly) daily basis.

  78. Laura
    November 19, 2014

    As someone going through a divorce at the age of 51, the thought of living the rest of my life alone is not a happy one and usually is enough to ruin my day. It’s torture for me to see so many couples, young and old, around me. While I am not defined by whether I”m in a relationship or not and no person will ‘complete me’, it’s hard (as in sad for me) to know most people go home to a happy home with someone or someones there….spouse, family, etc. As much as I love your post today…..I often find myself having long, stressful conversation with God asking why, when, etc. on behalf of lonely people everywhere not just myself.

  79. Musa Yeni
    November 19, 2014

    Im in tears right now, I cant remember when was the last time I was truely happy. God has forsaken me .

    • Mandy Hale
      November 26, 2014

      He hasn’t forsaken you, my friend. I promise. He is always there. He never left. Reach out to Him. Cry out to Him. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He will.

  80. Deshandra Jones
    November 19, 2014


  81. lisa
    November 19, 2014

    Beautiful! and Much needed right now 🙂

  82. Puleng
    November 19, 2014

    Wow thank you Mandy

  83. B
    November 19, 2014

    Thanks Mandy …. I was in the same situation since long time … and finally you answered my question .. god chooses you to answer this question for us .. God bless you dear … Right now I am feeling happy to be single .. if god wants me to be single I will happily accept that and if he wants me to get married it will happen on a right time … 🙂

  84. Lindsey
    November 19, 2014

    As I read those words ..Its about how much I care I’ve kept you for myself this long . Tears weld up in my eyes and I sobbed . Thankyou

  85. November 19, 2014

    thanks a lot Mandy. You always inspire me..God bless you more.

  86. November 19, 2014

    thanks a lot Mandy. You always inspire me..God bless you more.

  87. Kelley
    November 19, 2014

    Mandy, you so often are having the exact same feelings as I am and I know that’s God’s way of showing me I am not alone. Thank you for expressing these thoughts and reminding me that us single girls often feel this way but God is always holding us close.

  88. Minister Coles
    November 19, 2014

    I love it. I’m going to share this in my singles ministry.

  89. Cherry
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you for sharing your heart, Mandy! Truly it blesses my heart, realizing that I am spared from a lot of heartaches because its just between me and Jesus!

  90. Naomi
    November 19, 2014

    I feLT the same way…My answer is yes Lord I will follow…

  91. Navi
    November 19, 2014

    Sigh… wow!

  92. Nancy
    November 19, 2014

    Wow. Just Wow. Beautiful.

  93. Chara
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you! Mandy! Man’s rejection is God’s protection!

    4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭4-7‬ NKJV)

  94. debbie
    November 19, 2014

    This was truly beautiful. I am single but by being single I find a closer relationship with my Lord. I have only Him to rely on. I wouldn’t trade this for anything!

  95. Kim
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you for sharing.

  96. Rene
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you. Along with so many of the other comments this made me cry (in a good way). I don’t know how many times I have asked Him “Do You hear me? Do You even care about what I’m going through?” Thank you for this as it reminds me that I am not alone in this journey.

  97. Karan Costner
    November 19, 2014

    THAT was a word for such a time as this. Thank you.

  98. Tricia
    November 19, 2014

    This brought tears to my eyes. It spoke so true to me. I am so glad I have found your blog and follow you on Facebook. You are an inspiration. Thank you for always sharing and speaking from the heart.

  99. Genine
    November 19, 2014

    Wow! Just…wow!!! #convicted #blessed

  100. Christie
    November 19, 2014

    Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Every time I think about the qualities I am looking for in a husband, a little voice says “it’s me..you are looking for ME.” And the I cry, because I realize they are the qualities of our Lord. This post toady completely expresses how I feel. Yes Lord, I will follow you.

  101. mel chavez
    November 19, 2014

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Perfect timing for me to read this today. So on point at this very moment in life and love (or lack of the s.o in my life). But, His timing is always perfect. I will continue to be patient for when He blesses me with the one He has meant for me!!!
    Thank u

  102. Ondina
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you for this beautiful Message. I shared it to all my single friends in Guatemala.

  103. Tiera Miles
    November 19, 2014

    Needed this!!!!!

  104. Mahek
    November 20, 2014

    Dear Mandy,
    Very well said. I have been married twice, one ended in divorce at 22 and another in widowhood at 33. Both my marriages weren’t pleasant to say the least. However after being married one still yearns for a sense of family and belongingness. Seeing people around in seemingly happy marriages makes me question myself. May be there is something wrong with me.
    But we are here to learn our lessons and grow. I confess both my marriages have made me feel more alone and Single than ever but still living alone as a single mother is daunting.
    I take solace in the fact that god is with me and he had a plan even if I don’t understand it.
    Let us trust and have faith. After all his plans are bigger than my wildest dreams. He knows better.

  105. Alida
    November 20, 2014

    My marriage of 30 years ended in divorce in September 2013 & I have been “single” & “alone” since June 2012…I have been alone, but I am not alone. I am eternally grateful to our Lord for HIS love & mercy. I have felt HIS presence & continually find evidence of HIS great love in my life. I am not sure of what my future holds, but, I am sure of the One that holds it! God is more than enough!

  106. Shaylyn
    November 20, 2014

    I can almost relate to this, only I dont want kids. I see everyone be joyful the minute they are born but then behind the scenes they are whining at every woman’s outing they have about being a mom. No doubt it has it perks but even if you dont get there, my thoughts are thanks for not bringing innocence into this jacked up world and you life will still be awesome!

  107. November 20, 2014

    Thank you!

  108. Pam
    November 20, 2014

    Oh Mandy, I woke up this morning thinking the same. I am alone, how will I keep the longing thoughts at bay, how will I transcend it, then, what is it anyway, this ‘thing’ I’m longing for. And then I start to apply reason and I adapt, and I know, I absolutely know, that in that process of longing, acceptance and adaptation, is God. He communicates with me through my minds longings. And you’re part of that process, sheer chance I came across this blog. Could call it serendipity, I call it God. We are never alone, we feel as though we are, but we aren’t. And that presence is love. Best wishes to you today.

  109. November 20, 2014

    Thank you! My loneliness has been so overwhelming lately and after reading this, I realized that I’m not alone! Jesus is with me every moment of everyday. I’ve had and raised 2 children out of wedlock, but have never married, even though it is my hearts desire for The Lord to guide me to the man of HIS choice.

  110. Pebetse Rankwe
    November 20, 2014

    Thank you for making me see that there is unconditional love in God and I have to accept it. ♥♥♡♡

  111. Shamron
    November 20, 2014

    I needed this word this morning. Thank you for continuing to encourage me. Thank you for using your gift for His glory. You bless me everyday. I’ve shared your books with countless friends, and they are encouraged by you. Today, I will thank Him for keeping to Himself a little longer. I may just have to keep this post handy for those days when I don’t see the blessing in my singleness.

  112. Nichia
    November 20, 2014

    This was saddening terrifying but also comforting all at the same time. Thanks for sharing, reassuring that there are many on this same journey and we are not alone

  113. Grace
    November 20, 2014

    Many of us can relate to this yet never bold enough to voice it.Thank you for doing it on our behalf.

  114. Traci
    November 20, 2014

    Thank you so much for this. It was like a message from God. I celebrated my 49th birthday last Sunday…STILL single. I recently confided in a lady from church that I have given up hope of husband, so much so, that I have quit praying for him. Just this morning I laid in bed crying my eyes out because I want him so badly. I don’t always read your posts right away, but this morning I did. I am at work and have a thousand other things to do, but I took the time to read your post this morning. And I am blessed that I did. The last paragraph really sums it up for me. “I don’t know how I’ll feel tomorrow. But I am precious to Him. YOU are precious to Him. And today…that’s all that matters.”

  115. Sheryl
    November 20, 2014

    You are such an inspiration, Mandy and God has truly blessed you with an amazing gift of encouraging and inspiring others. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us because God is using you to reach many women out there and your words have been a blessing to many. You are first and foremost doing God’s work. Your path (pain, trials, triumps, lessons and all) have placed u in the perfect position and God has given you the tools and gifts to help others. I pray u will continue to follow God in His plan for your life and that He will continue to bless you! Thank you!

  116. Tomi Huff
    November 20, 2014

    Thank you, Mandy.

  117. Sherry
    November 20, 2014

    Perfect words from our father. I will embrace my singleness and follow where he leads! Praise God!!

  118. BadN
    November 20, 2014

    I’ve just separated from my husband of 17 years of beating… I needed those kind words to say god is looking after & protecting me & my son.

    Sent at the right time… He is out there giving me the strength when there is no one else out there.

    • Mandy Hale
      November 26, 2014

      Praying for you, friend… <3

  119. Nette
    November 20, 2014

    This is exactly what I needed today. Thank you for sharing and inspiring a lot of single women through your testimonies. And yes, I believe He loves single women a little bit more. 🙂

  120. B
    November 20, 2014

    Wow! This was amazing! This message went straight to my soul. Thank you for all your amazing words.

  121. November 20, 2014

    How reassuring. Such sweet message from the Lord.

  122. Miriam Chavira
    November 21, 2014

    heres something I wrote recently inspired by that last One that made us delusional, but eventually really just “pushed” us toward God/Jesus/AllTheHighest:

    Because you’re beautiful
    and so I loved you- I touched you.
    You were my dream.
    My projection.My focus.
    My lack.
    You completed me, somehow
    Until you didn’t.

    You’re beauty captivated me.
    Rocked me to sleep, again.
    Wishing but to awaken now.

    My own illusion, you fueled it.
    I let you.
    I Made you.
    I Created you.
    To sooth my forgetfulness,
    of Truth.
    To numb the barriers,
    the walls.
    To calm my separation
    From God,
    From Love.

  123. kezia
    November 21, 2014

    I so needed to hear this. Often times I wonder… “when will my time come” or “Lord will I be alone without a husband for the rest of my life”… I feel the time is drawing near for me to go home to Jesus, but honestly, I want to share my life with someone here on Earth… But if it just end up being me and Jesus then I’m cool with that… I just need Him to confirm that with me.

  124. Diana
    November 21, 2014

    Thank you!! I so needed this right now. This was an answer to my prayers. I am 43 years old and single. Many times I wonder what I have done that God won’t be give me a husband and kids. It can physically hurt at times. After reading this, I know I am not alone. Jesus is with me no matter what. I may feel this way again but Gods mercies are new each day! Thank you again Mandy!

  125. November 21, 2014

    This made me cry. Exactly what I needed to hear though.

  126. Shelly
    November 21, 2014

    I needed to read this. I am 52 years old and so often, I feel all alone. My child bearing years are gone, and I ‘m beginning to think marriage is out of reach as well. So, I will bear this in mind when I have my “lonely” moment.

  127. Bonnie Moore
    November 21, 2014

    What a lovely way to put it. My life has done nothing but change for the better since I turned over my troubles to him. He is worthy of my praise, I give him all the glory and my love

  128. Ashley
    November 21, 2014

    I am so glad I came across you and your ministry. Thank you for allowing God to use you like this. I felt I have always needed the approval of others including men. But God wants me all to Himself. It allows me to look at singleness differently. Thank you. 🙂

  129. Emmie D Oppus
    November 21, 2014

    Thanks Mandy for your inspirational message…God is just watching us always.

  130. Jasmine Cote
    November 21, 2014

    Tears filled my eyes as I read “All too vividly remembering all the times I’ve cried out to God about my desire for a family and children and traditions and a tribe and people to grow old with and a husband to hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay. Countless times of frustration and impatience and even despair as the years pass and the situation seemingly grows more and more hopeless that I might ever find the simplest and most complicated of life’s blessings: Someone to love. And someone to love me.” It has always occurred to me that I have been single all too often. I get into a relationship.. and next thing I know it’s over. I tell myself that this seems right, and then I get my heart broken. I have been told that I have had a lot of boyfriends, but in truth.. it is the fact that God wants me all to himself, like you said… ““Oh, Mandy. Don’t you see? It’s because of how much I care that I’ve kept you for Myself this long.” I used to blame God, turn away from God, and ask myself and God why do these guys keep hurting me, why isn’t what I do enough? And maybe, just maybe he wants me to walk with him for a while, and to just sit and spend time with him. I think He really wants me to be more involved in the relationship I have with Him. I’m going to actively keep Him above any man on earth.

  131. Mhagz
    November 21, 2014

    Hello! Ms.Mandy I’m a single woman too at my age of 30, I’ve wanted to have a family because I know in myself that I’m getting older and need to settle down. I always pray, ask God when is the right time. I do trust him and I know in the right time, in the right person God give me what is right for me. Thank you for your inspirational messages… 🙂

  132. B
    November 22, 2014

    Mandy, Keep doing what you do. You are truly an inspiration to all woman around the world. You have been in admirable woman and inspiration to me. I have gone through the heartbreaks, the disappointment, etc. Your words of wisdom and encouragement has helped me get through the tough times and stay positive and hopeful for the what is to come. Sometimes it takes God speaking to us from another person and I feel as if he speaks through you to me and to all woman. Keep doing what you do!

    Much Love,


  133. Jay
    November 23, 2014

    Thank so much! I needed to hear that for reassurance.

  134. Mattie
    November 24, 2014

    words to aspire to.thank you Mandy for sharing . I am learning more nd more everyday G-d is ENOUGH

  135. arleen
    November 25, 2014

    Wow!! Started crying as soon as I started reading. My son didnt have aclue but came over and hugged and kissed me and just sat with me until I was done. God is good cause I so needed that at this moment. Thank you Mandy!

  136. December 5, 2014

    Sometimes, I sit and think to myself, God sure is an amazing wonder. Always bringing forth into my life what I truly need. I recently found out that the guy I have come to know for two years, asked me to be his girlfriend five times and I have been calling my boyfriend for the past five months, has not been honest with me regarding his not so much ex. He looked me in the eyes and said why would I have two girlfriends? I barely have time for myself. And I believed him. Still puzzled on how he pulled this off. Expressing my love for him and thinking how good I have it but it was in fact all a lie. Could not help but ask O Lord, don’t you care? Reading this has helped me a little bit. Knowing that I have God in my life trying to embrace me with his love. Hurts knowing I was being played and treated like a fool. Staying true and faithful to him not wanting to hurt him and putting his feelings above all decisions and for this on return. Just another side piece blinded by the love I felt for him. Breaks my heart but it is comforting reading such a piece and knowing afterall I have the Lord by my side.

  137. Jennifer
    December 8, 2014

    I can relate to this thank u for sharing, a beautiful reminder that we are never alone ! have a lovely week . We must never forget that God has a perfect plan for us and his time is perfect so lets trust him and enjoy this journey.

  138. alicia
    December 20, 2014

    This was right on time! My heart skipped a beat when Jesus said “Oh, Mandy. Don’t you see? It’s because of how much I care that I’ve kept you for Myself this long.” It sparked the fire in my soul. To just know that He loves me so much, to keep me to Himself. Close to His precious and warm heart. Thank you for this blog post, my Sis in Christ!

  139. L
    December 29, 2014

    As a newly single woman, just turned 33, and having practically had every inch of the life I knew a few months ago, completely blown apart, I feel brave enough to say I think I seriously lost my way on the path with God. I have spent the last few months despairing in God and wondering if I truely believed. This has just brought me back on the path. Thank you x

  140. Casey
    January 10, 2015

    Wow, one of my favorites so far! Thanks for your inspiring words.

  141. Kendall
    January 14, 2015

    Thank you Mandy! Your Facebook page and blog are a true Godsend! Until I found your site(s) I felt so alone, like I was the only single woman left! This particular post….well it has my heart my friend! It’s beautiful and precisely what I needed to hear! Thank you!

  142. January 25, 2015

    wow!! tat message was inspiring. love it.

  143. rhea
    January 26, 2015


  144. Marcela
    February 6, 2015

    In Jesus name!! I receive this… Amen amen amen! This is powerful and spoke to my soul to… I got chills as I read this… Thank you for sharing… I’m crazy about God and I can relate to this…. god’s timing is the best time… As humans we often don’t understand. I still believe he is saving us for that one special person who will help you understand why the others never worked out…. God is love! Once you understand that everything else flows…

  145. Marcela
    February 6, 2015

    Woops! Sorry for the typos in my last post… I was too inspired and typing fast LOL

  146. Becca
    February 16, 2015

    Thank you somuch for ths post God rescued me from what would have been a miserablelife with a guy who said he was a beliver had read the bible five times and yet lied so expertly but still wanted me in his life and to marry him he moved on the day after or on the day I cut things off I we never had a title we were having serious talks but was and was not a couple its odd and I was not wise to talk about aspirations for a family so soon with him but you live and you learn.

    I feel guilty as pary of me is glad that the person he moved on with was not his type and not what he really wanted but he chose to stay with her because he was scared of being left single he was quite selfish yet could be sweet and then cruel all at the same time kind of like a sweet and sour gobstopper chewing gum or sweet and sour candy.

    I forgive him I have not forgotten but thanking God that some of the details are starting to look hazy and blury and I no longer care its been three or four years now.

    The main thing I want to ask Mandy is if you could pray for me that even if it never happens the husband thing that I would be found serving God, loving him still trusting him still without my trust being broken and that I would trust him now as I’m like waves tossed to and fro one minuete my faith is up the next I’m crying in my pillow lol.

    The devil has had me thinking suicidal thoughts at time and had me pondering whats the point in life its hard to find good christian girlfriends in the UK at times and its hard to find a nice guy in churches real men it seems real Godly men are hard to find, I think about how why did God choose me to serve away miserably (selfish and not cool I know but this is how I have felt) I SOMETIMES FEEL i TALK AND TALK TO gOD WHILST HE ANSWERS ME CONSTANTLY WITH SILENCE SO HE MUST HAVE ABANDONED ME, HE LEFT AND EVEN WHEN HE TOLD ME HE HASNT i THINK gOD ITS NOT THE SAME YOU GIVE ME A COUPLE WORDS THEN DISAPEAR FOR WEEKS SOMETIMES MONTHS, HE NEVER USED TO. (sorry about capitals keyboard accident)

    And so I think why did you create me to suffer, to feel sad and unloved why dont you just take me with you now, and I start crying as I am whilst I type this its so hard that I dont know if I can keep trusting I doubt God all the time these days and especially whan I’m constantly met with his silence, how can he possibly care?

  147. Suzanne
    June 26, 2015

    Perfect timing…. As always… Thank you!

  148. Rolanda
    June 26, 2015

    Last night I cried in despair thinking how did I get back here….feeling unworthy and disappointed. Then I read this blog and realized I’m not alone! God, in spite of what I see and feel I will trust you more.

  149. Shona
    June 28, 2015

    Thank you, Mandy. You so completely encapture EXACTLY how I feel sometimes. And last night, in particular! I feel like God has just given me a hug through you.
    I think I’ve come to see that it’s okay to feel like this, too – God made me exactly as I am, he knows how deep my longing for a husband and a family is; so he knows that sometimes it’s going to hurt, and denying that is false. It is so painful! And yet, at the same time, He lavishes me with blessings in a multitude of other ways.
    God bless you in your ministry and your whole life!! *S

  150. Nikki
    September 14, 2015

    Mandy, you have no idea how much I needed this. I had these thoughts on the way to work this morning: “God, why did you forget me? Why does everyone else get to have it?” Every time I have those thoughts, the Lord reminds me (sometimes gently, and sometimes He has to yell…) that He knows my heart better than I do, and that I can trust Him with it until HE brings the person He wants to give it to. Today, He used you to bring me the encouragement that I needed. Thank you so much.

  151. Courtney
    October 15, 2015

    This is my favorite blog post so far!!!!!!! Ive been going through your blog and reading all of them and this one is my favorite! What a great message, and I have never looked at it in this perspective before. I know God has a plan for me and even though sometimes it will be tough, I will always follow him.!

  152. Annie
    November 19, 2015

    I had shared this article a year ago today on fb and it was in my fb memories to look through. I decided to read it again just now and cried my way through it. As a divorced mom of two, I never expected to be single again and struggling through life. But what amazes me about what I read was this one phrase, “Oh Lord, don’t you care”? It’s been exceptionally rough for months now and seems since being a single mom for over 7 years. Anyway, back to that one phrase…I was just crying out to the Lord yesterday and saying that one phrase. Lord don’t you care? Don’t you see how much I’m struggling? Again a few times over I said, Lord don’t you care? In my hurt, pain and frustration I asked Him and this morning he spoke directly to my heart through this article. Oh how He loves me and how He reminded me of His love again, as only He can give. Thank you, Lord for caring and showing me you do when I just doubted and questioned you. You never cease to amaze me. Great is thy faithfulness!

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Something wonderful is on the horizon
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