The Single Woman’s Dash of Sass: Kiss Loneliness Goodbye This Holiday Season

Quote of the Day:

You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with. ~Wayne Dyer

The Single Woman Says:

Walking through the stores and the restaurants at Christmastime, it can be easy to look around at tall the happy couples walking happily hand in hand and feel a little lonely as a single person. If you’re not careful, you can even allow yourself to get caught up in self-pity and angst at the sight of people walking two by two, gazing merrily up at the Christmas lights and sipping hot cocoa. Yes, the holiday season, with all its twinkly lights and fireplaces and cold nights perfect for snuggling is most definitely for lovers…but I’m here to remind you that it’s also for singles, too. There is no other season of the year that is as rife with opportunities for a single person to make an impact than during the Christmas season. So if you are crying into your eggnog at the thought of spending another Christmas alone, allow me to invite you to hop under the mistletoe and kiss loneliness goodbye with these ideas for making the most of your singlehood during the holidays:

1)      Connect to something bigger than you – volunteer! Nothing eases self-pity and sadness and helps you see how blessed and privileged you truly are more than opening your eyes to the plight of others around you. This holiday season I volunteered for Feed America First, creating food boxes for needy families, and finding a way to plug myself in and fill a need was like sunshine to my soul. No matter what you might be going through in your life, there is always someone around you who has it worse, and there’s nothing that brings happiness more than helping bring happiness to others.

2)      Start your own traditions. Maybe you don’t have a boyfriend, but chances are, you have good friends. Or maybe you don’t have a lot of good friends but you do have a great family. Whatever the case may be – look around you at the people in your life who love you and start creating your own traditions with them! This season I went to the Christmas tree lighting on the town square with my nieces, went and took pictures with Santa with some of my best friends, helped plan a trip to the Smoky Mountains with my family, and tomorrow night I have a “Girls Night” planned with my nieces, where we’re going to bake cookies and watch Christmas specials. Do I have a significant other? No. But I don’t let that stop me from having a significant life! This holiday season, get so focused on the love that you DO have in your life to worry about the love that you DON’T have.

3)      Get an early jump on your New Year’s resolutions. Create a Vision Board, which is as easy as purchasing a dry erase board and listing the goals you’d like to accomplish in the next year. I have had a Vision Board for years now and it has literally changed my life. Join a gym. Find a new hobby. Take inventory of your house and your surroundings and do a little New Year’s cleansing of the junk in your life that’s merely taking up space. I did this last year and it was so empowering to rid my life of clutter. I’ve found that when you lose a lot of physical baggage, it motivates you to get rid of the emotional baggage in your life as well. Make a list of all the things you want to let go of in 2013, then write that list on a bunch of helium balloons and release them to the sky. Purchase some great self-help books and explore ways to better your life. Purchase my book on letting go and moving on by clicking the image below. Decide right here and now that 2013 is going to be YOUR YEAR, then start removing any obstacle that is blocking you from realizing your dreams and goals.

4)      Most of all, as the quote at the start of this blog says, find a way to like YOU. To embrace you, just as you are, flaws and all. Make a list of all the things you love about yourself. Decide to go a little easier on yourself this year and to have your own back. Indulge yourself by splurging on a fabulous Christmas present for YOU. Does anyone deserve your love and affection and appreciation as much as YOU? Learn to be alone and to like it. There is nothing more freeing and empowering than learning to like your own company. Read great books, watch great movies, take yourself out to dinner or to a movie and just spend time with YOU. Once you truly learn to love yourself and respect yourself and BE yourself, all the other pieces will fall into place.

If you need a little help learning to let go, you can purchase my e-book below for just $2.99:


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