The Single Woman’s Dash of Sass: July 12, 2011

Quote of the Day:

“Some walks you have to take alone.” ~Suzanne Collins

The Single Woman Says:

There are going to be seasons of your life when you feel like you don’t have a friend in the world. When you feel as though everyone you love has turned their back on you, or didn’t love you enough to stay and fight for you. When you feel as if the night is never going to end and you’re never going to see the sun again. But in my experience, I’ve found that it is typically on the other side of the darkest night of my soul that I step into the brightest, boldest, most beautiful light I’ve ever known.

The truth is, sometimes on this journey of life, we are simply meant to travel alone. To learn a lesson we might have missed if otherwise occupied…to hear a message we might not have heard if in conversation with another…to see a sight we might of never seen if not searching with our whole hearts, unencumbered by the weight of someone else’s shadow. Learn to walk boldly and bravely alone, for it is often only when we’ve left everything else behind that our spirit finds room to shine. Because, after all, every time an unaccompanied heart finds a song to sing…another sassy single woman gets her wings. J

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Something wonderful is on the horizon
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